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Press Release on Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech in the US Congress
Press Release on Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech in the US Congress
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Since October 7, 2023, contrary to the international law and the international treaties it is party to, Israel deepens the humanitarian crisis and causes irreversible destruction with its acts of violence against innocent civilians in Palestine, regardless of hospitals, educational institutions or places of worship, and its criminal attacks against humanity. Civilian population which has to be protected from the devastating effects of conflicts as a requirement of the international humanitarian law lies at the center of these attacks.

In the news of Anadolu Agency dated July 24, 2024, it was reported that Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip have continued on its 292nd day and the number of deaths from Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023 had reached 39.145 while the number of the injured had reached 90.257 (1). Women and children consist of the majority of those who lost their lives as a result of Israel's attacks. Despite all these ongoing humanitarian crises, it has been reflected to the printed and visual media that Netanyahu gave a speech at the US Congress in the United States of America (the USA) where the UN headquarters is located (2). Moreover, the fact that Israel's massacre in Gaza targeting Palestinians during the speech of Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu was also mentioned in the media. (3).

The advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice released on 19 July 2024 can be summed up as: "Israel's presence in Palestinian territories is unlawful, this illegal action must be stopped as soon as possible, all real and legal persons in Palestinian territory must be compensated for the damages caused, all states have the responsibility to not legally recognize the situation resulting from Israel's illegal presence in Palestinian territory and not to aid or support the continuation of this situation, and international organizations, including the UN, have a legal obligation not to legally recognize the situation resulting from Israel's illegal presence in Palestinian territory." (4).

As Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, condemning Israel's systematic and widespread attacks targeting the civilian population in Gaza, which constitute a war crime under the Statute of Rome, we are following the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu being applauded in the legislative body of the United States, where the UN headquarter is also located, with concern in terms of human values, international human rights law and the future of world democracy, and we invite urge all actors of the international community to take a more effective role to confront the ongoing human rights violations in Gaza.

Respectfully announced to the public.

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