Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
The HREIT Delegation Visited Kilis as part of the National Preventive Mechanism Mandate
The HREIT Delegation Visited Kilis as part of the National Preventive Mechanism Mandate
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The HREIT Delegation, headed by the Vice Chairperson of the institution in charge of National Prevention Mechanism Department Yılmaz Bölükbaşı, consisted Judge Abdulmuttalip Zararsız, Human Rights and Equality Assistant Experts Batuhan Böyür and Merve Habuloğlu, and Doctors and Psychologists appointed by the Kilis Governorship, visited Kilis L-Type Penitentiary Institution as part of its national prevention mechanism on 09.03.2022.

The delegation received information from the authority of the institution. Interviews were made with people deprived of their liberties and the personnel in charge. The treatment and detention conditions of those detained within the scope of the visit were examined in the context of national and international standards.

The delegation also visited Servet Yaprakçı, Chief Public Prosecutor.

As a result of the visit, report containing the assessments and recommendations regarding the examinations and interviews held during the visit will be prepared and shared with the relevant institutions and the public.

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