Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release on the Second Anniversary of Our Institution's Accreditation to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)
Press Release on the Second Anniversary of Our Institution's Accreditation to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)
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As it is known, getting accredited by Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) has always been a goal of our Institution since its inception. In the National Action Plan for the EU Accession (2021-2023), under the Chapter No. 23 on Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, the issue of “strengthening the institutional structure of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye in accordance with the UN Paris Principles, thus ensuring its accreditation with an A status by the GANHRI” was specifically mentioned, while in the Action Plan on Human Rights (2021-2023) Activity 1.2.a., “The structure of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye being rendered compliant with the UN Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions and its accreditation by the GANHRI being secured in one year” was specifically mentioned.

In line with the relevant policy goals, Human Rights and Equality Board of Türkiye decided to start the preparations for getting accredited by GANHRI and conducting the relevant works with its decision no. 2021/170 dated 13.07.2021. In line with the aforementioned Board decision, our Institution sent the relevant declaration of intent and supporting documents were communicated to the Secretariat of Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) in Geneva with an official letter. Following the completion of the written phase of the accreditation process, our President Prof. Dr. Muharrem KILIÇ and his accompanying delegation held an online meeting with SCA members on 3 October 2022. In the October 2022 Accreditation Report communicated by the Secretariat of SCA on 10 October 2022, it was stated that it was decided that our Institution be accredited as B status.

Accreditation process serves as a basis for the works of national human rights institutions. As a matter of fact, accreditation:

  • Serves as proof to prove that institutions are credible and independent actors.
  • It makes it possible for institutions to improve their works by reflecting the recommendations of SCA and acting in accordance with these recommendations.
  • It helps institutions implement the Paris Principles in their own national contexts.
  • It helps ensure their institutional independence, pluralism, effectiveness, and accountability.

In the second year of getting accredited at GANHRI level, further strengthening the structure of our Institution and working to render it fully compliant with Paris Principles were among the issues given importance in the Twelfth Development Plan (2024-2028) and the 2024 Presidential Annual Program.

With accreditation, our Institution was accepted as our country's national human rights institution in the eyes of the international community as well and we were given the chance to participate in meeting at regional and international levels as a member institution of GANHRI. Moreover, we got the chance to submit reports to UN Monitoring Mechanisms and Universal Periodic Review Mechanism of the Human Rights Council. With this development, as recommended by SCA, our institution intensively and effectively increased its interaction with international human rights systems. 39th issue of the Periodical International Human Rights Monitoring Bulletin, which has been being prepared regularly since 2021, has been published. It is possible to access the bulletin, which follows the current activities of international organizations working in the field of human rights and peer national human rights institutions on an international scale, can be accessed in Turkish and English on our Institution's website.

In two years, our Institution has contributed to 21 “Call for Input” modules prepared by GANHRI, UN Secretary General, High Commissioner for Human Rights, independent experts and special rapporteurs at the UN; and to a total of 61 reports prepared at regional and global levels by international stakeholders such as the Council of Europe and ENNHRI. In addition, we actively participated in the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the UN Committee Against Torture, the UN Human Rights Committee and the UN Human Rights Council Türkiye meetings, as well as national and independent reporting processes.

The SCA recommended our Institution to strengthen its efforts to address human rights violations and carry out follow-up activities. Pursuant to this recommendation, our Institution intensively continues its monitoring activities in order to follow up on all the recommendations included in its reports and decisions for the protection of human rights. In addition, in line with its vision to promote human rights, our Institution prepares documents to raise public awareness on human rights and organizes online and physical workshops, panels, symposiums, exhibitions, trainings and interviews.

In addition, the SCA recommended the development and formalization of regular and constructive interaction with all relevant stakeholders. In this context, cooperation is developed with stakeholders such as public institutions, universities, bar associations and non-governmental organizations working in the field of human rights; joint projects are carried out through cooperation protocols signed. Within the scope of cooperation, our Institution organizes consultation meetings in provinces to discuss human rights issues with the representatives of relevant stakeholders operating at the local level, and Anti-Discrimination Consultative Commission meetings to discuss problems and solutions and exchange information and opinions on issues related to non-discrimination. These meetings have also enabled formal and sustainable cooperation with relevant stakeholders in line with the SCA's recommendation. 

It should be underlined that accreditation is not an outcome but a cycle in which the institutional structure and activities are assessed for compliance with the Paris Principles. For this reason, we take advantage of the opportunities provided by the B level and we are working hard to fulfill the necessary recommendations to become A status accredited.

Respectfully announced to the public.

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