Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release on the Anniversary of Israel's Attacks Toward Palestinians
Press Release on the Anniversary of Israel's Attacks Toward Palestinians
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Since 7 October 2023 when Israel's attacks towards Palestinians began contrary to the international humanitarian law, women, children, and elderly persons were bombed indiscriminately in places predominantly populated by civilians, such as residential areas, schools, hospitals, places of worship and locations of international aid organizations and many lives were lost. In this process, millions of Palestinians were forced to migrate, humanitarian aids to the region were blocked, and the humanitarian crisis became deeper with each passing day. The ceasefire decision of United Nations (UN) Security Council and the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the immediate cessation of military attacks and the delivery of humanitarian aids were ignored by Israel. It has been shown both in printed and visual media that the number of those who lost their lives in the Israel attacks in the Gaza Strip rose to 41.870, while the number of the wounded rose to 97.166 (1).

It should be known that the perpetrators of Israel's actions toward Palestinian civilians which violate norms of international law and humanitarian laws and constitute crime of genocide are responsible in terms of international criminal law. As a matter of fact, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has declared that there are "reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant are criminally responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity" in Gaza and has requested the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant, which is of great importance in this respect (2).

In the advisory opinion released on 19 July 2024, The International Court of Justice declared that Israel's presence in Palestinian territory is against the law, that this illegal action should be stopped as soon as possible, and that the damage caused to all natural persons and legal entities in Palestinian territory should be compensated, and underlined that all states are legally obliged not to recognize the situation resulting from Israel's illegal presence in Palestinian territory and not to aid and support the maintenance of this situation, moreover international organizations, including the UN, similarly have a legal obligation not to recognize the situation resulting from Israel's illegal presence in Palestinian territory (3).

Despite all these developments, all actors of the international society not taking the necessary steps causes the humanitarian crisis in the region to deepen. Especially, it can be said that imposing sanctions against people and non-governmental organizations which protest against Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians in the United States of America (the USA) and some European countries result in violation of fundamental rights and freedoms such as freedom of expression, right to assembly and demonstration, right to education and right to work (4). On the other hand, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress on 24 July 2024 and received a standing ovation from the congress members. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech being received with ovation in the legislative body of the United States, where the UN headquarters is located, is alarming in terms of human values, international human rights law and the establishment of global peace and security (5). Israel's land invasion of Lebanon which was launched on 1 October 2024 and the tensions between Iran and Israel show that the issue is on its way to become a regional war. In this context, all actors of the international community have a big responsibility regarding the implementation of truly deterrent sanctions against Israel and the end of the humanitarian crisis.

Since 7 October 2023, the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye has carried out activities such as symposiums, workshops, panels and HREIT Academy Talks with the participation of public institutions and organizations, academics, civil society organizations and other stakeholders regarding the humanitarian crisis in Gaza (6). In line with the decisions of the Human Rights and Equality Board of Türkiye, “The Commission for Investigating and Reporting Human Rights Violations and War Crimes Committed by Israel in Palestine within the Context of International and Humanitarian Law” was established and a report titled “Report on Human Rights Violations in Palestine and the Gaza Genocide” was prepared.

Our Institution sent some letters regarding the humanitarian crisis in Gaza to international organizations and people working in the international arena. In this context, our Institution sent letters to other national human rights institutions within the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) on 13 October 2023 (7), and to 120 peer national human rights institutions which are members of the Global Network of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) on 27 October 2023 (8). On 3 November 2023, our Institution sent a letter to the President of GANHRI and Chairwoman of the Qatar National Human Rights Committee Maryam Abdullah Al Attiyah, and the President of the National GANHRI Accreditation Subcommittee and President of the Independent Commission for Human Rights in Palestine (ICHRP), Dr. Ammar Al Dwaik (9) in order to strengthen international solidarity regarding the systematic attacks on civilians in Gaza, which constitute war crimes; and on 1 December 2023, our Institution sent a letter to the President of the International Court of Justice, Judge Joan E. Donughue, the President of the International Criminal Court, Judge Piotr Hofmański, and the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, in order to provide information about the work carried out regarding the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to emphasize the importance of international cooperation (10). Finally, a letter was sent to Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory (11) and Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor (12) on 5 January 2024.

In addition to these, our Institution had the report named "Anatomy of a Genocide" regarding the human rights situation in Palestine and other Arab lands under occupation which prepared by Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory and presented in the 50th session of the Human Rights Council translated from its original English to Turkish and shared it with the public through the website of the Institution (13).

As the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, we once again condemn Israel's systematic and widespread attacks against the civilian population in Gaza, which constitute crimes against humanity within the scope of the Rome Statute, and call on all actors of the international community to assume a more effective role against the human rights violations taking place in Palestine.

Respectfully announced to the public.



(1) Anadolu Ajansı (AA), "İsrail'in 366 gündür saldırılarını sürdürdüğü Gazze'de can kaybı 41 bin 870'e yükseldi", https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/israilin-366-gundur-saldirilarini-surdurdugu-gazzede-can-kaybi-41-bin-870e-yukseldi/3352914, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(2) AA, "UCM Başsavcısı Han'dan Netanyahu için yakalama kararı başvurusu", https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/ucm-bassavcisi-handan-netanyahu-icin-yakalama-karari-basvurusu/3224803, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(3) For detailed information, see HREIT, "Uluslararası Adalet Divanı’nın 19 Temmuz 2024 tarihli İstişari Görüşüne İlişkin Basın Açıklaması", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/uluslararasi-adalet-divaninin-19-temmuz-2024-tarihli-istisari-gorusune-iliskin-basin-aciklamasi-, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(4) For detailed information, see HREIT, "Filistin’deki Soykırımın Durdurulması Çağrısında Bulunan Kişilerin Temel Haklarına Yönelik Gerçekleştirilen Müdahalelere İlişkin Basın Açıklaması", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/filistindeki-soykirimin-durdurulmasi-cagrisinda-bulunan-kisilerin-temel-haklarina-yonelik-gerceklestirilen-mudahalelere-iliskin-basin-aciklamasi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(5) For our press release regarding this issue, see HREIT, "İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu’nun ABD Kongresi’nde Konuşması Hakkında Basın Açıklaması", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/israil-basbakani-binyamin-netanyahunun-abd-kongresinde-konusmasi-hakkinda-basin-aciklamasi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(6) HREIT, "Küresel İnsan Hakları Siyaseti -İnsani Trajediler, Değerler Yitimi ve Sistemsel Çöküş- Sempozyumu Gerçekleştirildi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/kuresel-insan-haklari-siyaseti--insani-trajediler-degerler-yitimi-ve-sistemsel-cokus---sempozyumu-gerceklestirildi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "Gazze’de Yaşanan İnsani Trajediler Bağlamında İnsan Haklarının Sistemsel Çöküşü Paneli Tamamlandı", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/gazzede-yasanan-insani-trajediler-baglaminda--insan-haklarinin-sistemsel-cokusu-paneli--tamamlandi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

For the final declaration of the panel dated 21 December 2023, see HREIT, "Gazze’de Yaşanan İnsani Trajediler Bağlamında İnsan Haklarının Sistemsel Çöküşü Paneli Sonuç Bildirisi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/gazzede-yasanan-insani-trajediler-baglaminda-insan-haklarinin-sistemsel-cokusu-paneli--sonuc-bildirisi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "Filistinli Çocuklar Günü Paneli Gerçekleştirildi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/filistinli-cocuklar-gunu-paneli-gerceklestirildi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "Soykırımın Gölgesinde Barışı Konuşmak: Dünya Barış Günü Bağlamında Filistin Paneli Düzenlendi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/soykirimin-golgesinde-barisi-konusmak-dunya-baris-gunu-baglaminda-filistin-paneli-duzenlendi-, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "İsrail’in Filistin/Gazze Topraklarında Sebep Olduğu İnsan Hakları ve İnsancıl Hukuk İhlalleri Çalıştayı Gerçekleştirildi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/-israilin-filistin-gazze-topraklarinda-sebep-oldugu-insan-haklari-ve-insancil-hukuk-ihlalleri-calistayi-gerceklestirildi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "Uluslararası Hukuk ve İnsancıl Hukuk Bağlamında İsrail'in Filistin'de Gerçekleştirdiği Hak İhlalleri ve Savaş Suçları Çalıştayı Gerçekleştirildi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/uluslararasi-hukuk-ve-insancil-hukuk-baglaminda-israilin-filistinde-gerceklestirdigi-hak-ihlalleri-ve-savas-suclari-calistayi-gerceklestirildi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

For HREIT Academy Talks, see HREIT YouTube Account, https://www.youtube.com/c/T%C4%B0HEKKurumsal/streams, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(7) HREIT, "Official Letter on Ending Inhumane Treatments in Gaza", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/en/official-letter-on-ending-inhumane-treatments-in-gaza, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(8) HREIT, “Letter on The Cessation of Systematic Attacks Against Civilians in Gaza That Constitute War Crimes”, https://www.tihek.gov.tr/letter-on-the-cessation-of-systematic-attacks-against-civilians-in-gaza-that-constitute-war-crimes/,  (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(9) "Chairman Prof. Dr. Muharrem Kılıç, Sent a Letter to Strengthen International Solidarity Regarding The Systematic Attacks in Gaza", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/chairman-prof-dr-muharrem-kilic-sent-a-letter-to-strengthen-international-solidarity-regarding-the-systematic-attacks-in-gaza/,  (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(10) HREIT, "Letter Sent to Judge Joan E Donughue, President of the International Court of Justice", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/letter-sent-to-judge-joan-e-donughue-president-of-the-international-court-of-justice/,  (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "Letter Sent to Judge Piotr Hofmanski, President of the International Criminal Court", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/letter-sent-to-judge-piotr-hofmanski-president-of-the-international-criminal-court/,  (A.D. 7/10/2024).

HREIT, "Letter Sent to International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/letter-sent-to-international-criminal-court-prosecutor-karim-khan/,  (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(11) HREIT, "1967’den Bu Yana İşgal Altındaki Filistin Topraklarında İnsan Haklarının Durumu Özel Raportörü Francesca Albanese’e Mektup Gönderildi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/1967den-bu-yana-isgal-altindaki-filistin-topraklarinda-insan-haklarinin-durumu-ozel-raportoru-francesca-albanesee-mektup-gonderildi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(12) HREIT, "Avrupa-Akdeniz İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü’ne Mektup Gönderildi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/avrupa-akdeniz-insan-haklari-izleme-orgutune-mektup-gonderildi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

(13) HREIT, "Bir Soykırımın Anatomisi Raporu (A/HRC/55/73) Gayri Resmî Türkçe Tercümesi", https://www.tihek.gov.tr/bir-soykirimin-anatomisi-raporu-a-hrc-55-73-gayri-resm-turkce-tercumesi, (A.D. 7/10/2024).

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