Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release on Regarding the Removal of Signs in Arabic
Press Release on Regarding the Removal of Signs in Arabic
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Recently, it has been reflected in the written and visual media that Arabic signs have been removed by some municipalities in different regions of our country.

Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin and language has been enshrined in national and international documents. Within this scope, at the United Nations (UN) level, with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and at the Council of Europe level, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Revised European Social Charter, it has been accepted that discrimination constitutes a human rights violation. In national documents, the prohibition of discrimination is enshrined in the 1982 Constitution and Law No. 6701 on Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye.

While European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) was explaining the concepts of race and ethnicity, it was accepted that language, nationality, and culture are inseparable from race; it was also pointed out that racial discrimination could lead to dangerous consequences, and it was emphasized that it was a type of discrimination that should be reacted in the harshest way. According to ECHR, a modern democratic society should be based upon the principles of pluralism and respect toward other cultures (ECHR, Timishev v. Russia, B. No: 55762/00, 55974/00, 13/12/2005, para. 55-58). Within this scope, there is a close relation between prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of race and ethnic origin and prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of language. The aim of the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of language is ensuring that all languages are treated equally and preventing individuals from being discriminated against because of the language they speak, write or use.

In written and visual media, it is claimed that while signs in languages other languages are left alone, signs in Arabic are interfered with. Therefore, it can be said that the issue of removing signs in Arabic also has an important aspect regarding hate speech. Within this scope, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recognizes the advocacy, promotion or incitement, in any form, of the denigration, hatred or vilification of a person or group of persons, as well as any harassment, insult, negative stereotyping, stigmatization or threat in respect of such a person or group of persons and the justification of all the preceding types of expression, on the ground of race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, language, religion or belief, sex and other personal characteristics or status as hate speech within the scope of General Policy Recommendation N°15 on Combating Hate Speech.

In the Article 3 of the Law No. 6701; it is recognized that everyone is equal in enjoyment of legally recognized rights and freedoms, and the provision “it is prohibited under this Law to discriminate against persons based on the grounds of race, language, [...] ethnical origin [...]” was included. Again, the Article 5 of the relevant of the law includes the provision, Public institutions and agencies, professional bodies with public institution status, natural persons and legal persons established under private law providing services of education and training, judiciary, law enforcement, health, transportation, communication, social security, social services, social assistance, sports, accommodation, culture, tourism and similar services shall not discriminate, in respect of their activities, against persons who use or have applied to use or wishing to be informed of such services. This provision also covers access to buildings and spaces where public services are provided.

In establishing social peace, undoubtedly, it is necessary to act in accordance with the prohibition of discrimination in national and international regulations and to avoid forms of expression that include hate speech also in terms of the services provided by some local governments. Within this scope, in democratic societies built upon universal principles such as equality and respecting other cultures, it is unacceptable for someone to be discriminated against on the grounds of their race, colour, ancestry, ethnic origin and/or language.

Our Institution, main mission of which is to guarantee persons' right to equal treatment on the basis of human dignity and prevention of discrimination in the exercise of legally recognized rights and freedoms, is closely watching the related allegations which were mentioned in visual and printed media.

Respectfully announced to the public.


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