Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release On Recent Cases of Femicide in Our Country
Press Release On Recent Cases of Femicide in Our Country
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The press covered the news of femicides in recent days which shook everyone of all walks of life.

Violence, which is a violation of human rights and a global problem, is a phenomenon which has socially devastating effects. Most importantly, women are among the victims of violence which is one of the social problems. Data of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women shows that one in every three women globally has been subjected to physical or sexual violence, usually by an intimate partner. (1)

We see that violence against women is a human rights issue that leads to violations of fundamental human rights such as the right to life, the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, the right to freedom and security, and the right to physical and emotional integrity. Femicides which rob women of their right to life, is a reflection of the apex which violence against women has reached. Every case of femicide is an attack to women's right to life and right not to be ill-treated.

Many factors such as social and economic life, substance abuse, violence witnessed or exposed to in childhood, lead to the emergence of violence against women and femicide. Within this scope, conducting coordinated and multidimensional works is of great importance to eliminate the causes of violence in addition to combating violence and to combat femicide effectively. Preventing femicides and protection of women's right to life requires the cooperation and the effort of the relevant institutions by using all appropriate means. 

The Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, whose main mission is to protect and promote human rights based on human dignity, to guarantee the right of individuals to be treated equally, to prevent discrimination and to effectively combat torture and ill-treatment, we emphasize that femicide and violence against women, which are human rights violations, are unacceptable and hope that violence comes to an end. We extend our condolences to the relatives of the women who were murdered.

Respectfully announced to the public.

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