Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release on June 20 World Refugee Day
Press Release on June 20 World Refugee Day
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The number of people forced to flee their homes and countries due to wars, civil conflicts, economic and political instability is increasing every year. According to United Nations (UN) data, 15 conflicts in the last five years have caused great tragedies for millions of people around the world. Accordingly, as of the end of June 2023, around 110 million people have been displaced globally due to conflict and persecution. Approximately 36.4 million refugees and 6.08 million asylum seekers were registered in the world. There are also large numbers of stateless people who are denied access to even basic rights such as education and health care because they have been stripped of their citizenship.(1)

The concept of a refugee is most comprehensively defined in Article 1 of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Accordingly, a refugee is a person who, owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.(2)

The Convention regulates many issues regarding the legal, social and economic status of refugees. In this framework, the rights outlined in the Convention include the right not to be expelled except under strictly defined conditions, the right to work, the right to public assistance and relief, the right to access courts, the right to housing, the right to freedom of religion, the right not to be penalized for illegal entry into the territory of a contracting state, the right to education, and the right to obtain identity and travel documents.

Türkiye hosts people displaced from many countries. In this context, approximately 3.1 million Syrians are under temporary protection status in Türkiye.(3) Compared to all other countries, Türkiye provides a remarkable example to all humanity by fulfilling its obligations under international agreements and carrying out its humanitarian duties.

By a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 4, 2000, June 20 is celebrated every year as World Refugee Day. This occasion aims to draw attention to the plight of refugees and raise awareness about their rights. Each year, the UN selects a theme for World Refugee Day, around which global events are organized. The theme for 2024 World Refugee Day is "OUR HOME". In this context, "Earth" is emphasized as the common living space of the whole humanity.

As the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, on June 20, World Refugee Day, we call for an end to human rights violations that force people into refugee status, particularly in places like Gaza, and urge all humanity to protect human dignity and create a world where individuals forced to leave their homes are not abandoned to die on land or at sea.

Respectfully announced to the public.


(1) https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/refugees (Access Date: 12.06.2024)

(2) United Nations, Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, (1951), General Assembly, art. 1.

(3) https://goc.gov.tr/gecici-koruma5638 (Access Date: 12.06.2024)

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