Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Press Release on July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day
Press Release on July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day
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Coup attempts are aimed at seizing power by force and overthrowing elected by national will governments through military intervention in democratic constitutional state. Such coup attempts cause the Constitution, a social contract, to be ignored or suspended. These unlawful interventions, which ignore the will of the people and violate fundamental rights and freedoms, also lead to the violation of the right to development of civil society. Internationally, each coup attempt, which leads to a loss of credibility for the modern democratic identity of countries, can also lead to political and economic setbacks.

On July 15, 2016, the treacherous coup attempt against the will of our nation and democracy was a black stain on the history of democracy in our country. This heinous attempt not only targeted the democratic order, but also undermined the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the rights to life and liberty. This heinous coup attempt also left deep wounds in the memory of the nation with its sociological, psychological, and economic effects. The July 15 treacherous coup attempt aimed to destroy Türkiye's democratic order but this treacherous plan failed thanks to the determination and resolve of our nation. The belief in democracy has been the strongest guarantee for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.

On this occasion, as the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, we commemorate with mercy the martyrs who lost their lives during the treacherous coup attempt and express our gratitude to our veterans. July 15 is the victory of the will of our nation and our democracy. This victory once again reinforces our determination to protect and defend fundamental rights and freedoms.

Respectfully announced to the public.


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