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Press Release on Israeli Attacks on the TRT Crew and Press Members
Press Release on Israeli Attacks on the TRT Crew and Press Members
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News about TRT crew was attacked during the Israeli offensive in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip were reported in printed and visual media. In the aforementioned news, it was stated that many people were killed and injured due to the Israeli attack, the journalists' tent was also targeted in the attacks, TRT news cameraman was injured in his eye by shrapnel during his duty and many members of the press were also adversely affected by the attack (1). Furthermore, Anadolu Ajansı reported on 26/8/2024 that “the number of journalists killed in the Gaza Strip under Israeli army attacks since October 7, 2023 has risen to 171”. (2).

In front of the eyes of the whole world, Israel has been systematically attacking the Palestinian people in violation of international law since October 7, 2023 and the humanitarian crisis is deepening irreparably day by day. The civilian population, which must be protected from the destructive effects of conflicts in accordance with international humanitarian law, remains at the center of the attacks. The 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols prohibit the deliberate killing, inhuman treatment and torture of civilians under protection. According to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the bombing of undefended areas or areas that are not military targets, the deliberate killing, inhuman treatment and intentional infliction of great bodily suffering of civilians constitute war crimes. (3).

As a result of the attacks carried out by Israel, members of the press, who play an important role in publicizing the humanitarian crises and human rights violations in Palestine, are also seriously affected; with the attacks carried out by Israel, press activities related to publicizing humanitarian crises and human rights violations are tried to be prevented; in this context, important human rights such as the right to life, freedom of expression and freedom of the press continue to be violated by Israel against members of the press. Likewise, in the news report of Anadolu Ajansı dated 14/1/2024 it was stated that, “In the statement sent to Reporters Without Borders by the ICC Prosecutor's Office, it was stated that ‘the investigation into the situation in Palestine is examining, among other potential crimes, crimes targeting journalists.’ It was emphasized that journalists should be protected by international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute and should not be targeted in any way in this important duty.”(4).

As the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye, we once again condemn the systematic and widespread attacks by Israel against the civilian population in Gaza, which constitute war crimes under the Rome Statute, also condemn the attacks against the TRT crew and other members of the press who perform important duties in publicizing the human rights violations committed by Israel, and invite all actors of the international community to take a more effective role in the face of the ongoing rights violations in Gaza.

Respectfully announced to the public.

(1) TRT News, “Attack on TRT crew by murderous Israel”, https://www.trthaber.com/haber/dunya/katil-israilden-trt-ekibine-saldiri-874694.html, (A.D. 27/8/2024).

(2) Anadolu Ajansı, “Another journalist killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza Strip”, https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/israilin-gazze-seridine-saldirilarinda-bir-gazeteci-daha-oldu/3313728, (A.D. 27/8/2024).

(3) In the same context also see HREIT, “Press Release About Israel's Attack on the Rafah Zone Where Displaced Palestinians Stay”, https://www.tihek.gov.tr/israilin-yerlerinden-edilmis-filistinlilerin-kaldigi-refah-bolgesine-duzenledigi-saldiri-hakkinda-basin-aciklamasi, (A.D. 27/8/2024).

(4) Anadolu Ajansı, “International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli crimes against journalists”,https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/uluslararasi-ceza-mahkemesi-israilin-gazetecilere-yonelik-suclarini-da-sorusturacak/3108160, (A.D. 27/8/2024).

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