The large number of civilian casualties and the deterioration of peace and security in the region due to the recent conflicts between Palestine and Israel deeply hurt the global conscience. There is a severe human tragedy in the region due to the intense bombardment of Gaza and the use of disproportionate force. Recent events reveal that the conflicts that have been ongoing between Israel and Palestine since 1948 have become chronic. In Gaza, millions of people, especially women, children and the elderly, have not been able to access basic food, water, medicine-medical equipment, fuel and energy resources for 16 years, and the region has been virtually blockaded and turned into an open-air prison. The exile of millions of people from their homeland, the murder of thousands of civilians, the destruction of hundreds of settlements throughout the historical process are war crimes and it is also a crime against humanity that it is too late to take extraordinary measures.
Due to the frequently recurring state of war, humanitarian law mechanisms must be activated and urgent measures must be taken in this direction. The loss of time in emergency measures to be taken within the scope of the First Geneva Convention (Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field), the Second Geneva Convention (Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea), the Third Geneva Convention (Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War), the Fourth Geneva Convention (Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War) will result in more human rights violations with each passing day.
Undoubtedly, the first precaution to be taken within the scope of humanitarian law is the establishment of a humanitarian aid corridor for the civilian population. However, in practice, ongoing conflicts lead to the interruption of the security and basic living needs of the people living on these lands, especially their fundamental rights and freedoms. Cutting off the basic food, energy and humanitarian aid provided to Gaza and indiscriminately attacking civilian settlements stands as a clear and serious violation of international law. This situation shows that the existence of the Geneva Conventions, which are the reflection of humanitarian law in practice, is not sufficient on its own, and serious humanitarian crises and negligence are experienced in practice.
The United Nations (UN) and other international organizations have important duties and responsibilities in solving the problem. It is especially important for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to take action regarding the ongoing conflicts in terms of establishing peace and security in the region. Civilians living in the region should be provided with immediate passage to a safe area; vital health and food aid should be delivered to the region through the humanitarian aid corridor. The conflict between Israel and Palestine must be ended as soon as possible before it causes more human tragedy. Because many innocent civilians lose their lives in the conflict and the increase in civilian casualties is reaching an alarming level. The main priority in terms of humanitarian law is to ensure the safety of life and property of civilians in these conflicts as soon as possible.
It is necessary for all international organizations, especially the UN, to call the parties to the table and invite them to reach a consensus on the solution of the problem fairly, urgently and through diplomatic methods. Civilians must be protected in all situations and circumstances and must be kept away from inhumane treatment such as "collective punishment". This problem, which has caused great trauma in the region and has continued for many years, must now be resolved through peaceful means and justice, based on the established United Nations principles for the two-state solution.