Erişilebilirlik Menüsü
Participation in the IV Samarkand Human Rights Forum
Participation in the IV Samarkand Human Rights Forum
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On June 13-14, 2024, Samarkand, under the guidance of the National Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, hosted the IV Samarkand Human Rights Forum on “Environmental Challenges: Ensuring Sustainable Solutions for the Future of Human Rights in a Changing World.” On behalf of our institution, Board Member Attorney Zennure Ber and Assistant Expert Mübeccel Ece Kaymaz attended the Forum.

Ombudspersons, NHRIs and NGO representatives from many countries, including representatives of the United Nations, participated in the Forum. The topics of ‘International Organizations Leadership and NHRIs Role in Addressing Environmental Challenges and Safeguarding  Human Rights’, ‘Global Trends of Climate Change and Their Impact on Social, Economic Rights in The Context of Vulnerable Groups’ and ‘Global Strategies and Cooperation to Protect Human Rights in The Condition of Climate Change- The Role of Business and Civil Society in The Implementation of Climate Initiatives in The Context Of Human Rights’ were discussed in  three-seasons Forum.

During the bilateral meeting held in the presence of Prof. Dr. Akmal Saidov, Director of the National Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, and our Board Member Attorney Zennure Ber, the potential for developing institutional cooperation between the human rights institutions of the two countries was discussed. Our delegation was thanked for their participation in the meeting and presented with a gift in appreciation.

During the meeting between our delegation and the Ombudsperson of Uzbekistan, Eshmatova Feruza Farhadovna, views were exchanged on the potential for inter-institutional cooperation and projects that could be realized together.

Our delegation paid a visit to Salih Caner, Consul General of the Republic of Türkiye in Samarkand, in his office, where we expressed our gratitude for his invaluable support throughout the program.

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