In the Activity 1.2.a. Action Plan on Human Rights (2021-2023), announced to the public on March 2, 2021, “The structure of the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye will be rendered compliant with the UN Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions and its accreditation by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions will be secured within 1 year.” is set as a target.
In the light of this target, it was decided unanimously to start the preparations for the accreditation process to GANHRI and to carry out the necessary works, by the Board Decision No. 2021/170 on 13.07.2021.
In order to initiate the accreditation process at GANHRI, an application must be made with a statement of intent at the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) within GANHRI. Within this scope, the declaration of intent was submitted to the SCA Secretariat by our Institution in an official letter format on July 28, 2021. Furthermore, other supporting documents such as the Founding Law, Regulations, Statement of Compliance with the Paris Principles, the Annual Report and the Strategic Plan were submitted to the SCA Secretariat in Geneva on June 1, 2022.
After the completion of the written phase of the accreditation process, Chairman Prof. Dr. Muharrem KILIÇ and the accompanying delegation held a virtual interview with the members of the SCA on October 3, 2022.
In the official letter sent by the SCA Secretariat on October 10, 2022, it is stated that SCA decided that the HREIT be accredited with B status.
Decision of the Accreditation Subcommittee on granting ‘B’ status mean that;
- The relevant institution is recognized as an NHRI, therefore the institution has the opportunity to attend the international and regional meetings of the NHRIs.
- They will have the opportunity to submit parallel reports to the UN Bodies and the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism of the Human Rights Council (UPR).
The accreditation process is essential to the work of NHRIs. As a matter of fact;
- It provides evidence of an NHRI’s as a credible and independent actor.
- It allows NHRIs to enhance their work by reflecting and acting upon recommendations from the SCA.
- It assists NHRIs in applying the Paris Principles in their national contexts.
- It ensures NHRIs’ independence, pluralism, effectiveness and accountability.
The accreditation process is a duration that needs to be periodically renewed; it aims to evaluate the compliance of NHRIs with the Paris Principles. If the recommendations by SCA are fulfilled, it will be possible to apply to the Committee again in order to be accredited with A status.
Respectfully announced to the public.